If you've been coming to class a while and things have started to click, it may be time to level up!
At Pole in the Wall, our levels are combined because many students are "in between" and combining levels also allows you to either revisit what you already know or challenge yourself, depending on which class you attend.
How do you know when it's time to level up? The best way to know is to ask your coach!
Or, you can use this helpful guide below, to figure out which classes are best for you.
This is where we all start when we are first introduced to pole dancing.
You are welcome to take as many Intro to Pole classes as you like (we also recommend intermediate & advanced students to return to basics too!), but once you know some tricks that use handshake grip, move around the pole like dip turns and knee pit spins like front and back hook, and body waves and floor moves, you are ready to level up!
This class is a perfect segue out Intro to Pole class and starts incorporating more body weight tricks, like climb prep and tricks that require you to be fully off the ground like figurehead and pole sits.
Once you feel confident in floor inversions like forearm and shoulder stands, and can carousel kick to a stargazer, you are ready to level up!
Our Level 1 & 2 Pole Lab starts you on your journey of climbing up the pole, beginner inverts like chopper and leg hooks, as well as incorporating freestyle time at the end of class.
Dancers at this level will learn to feel great doing pirouettes, laybacks, and start linking tricks together up the pole. If you are feeling good with your beginner inverts and being up the pole, you are ready to level up!
Polers in out Level 2 & 3 Labs are ready to take their practice to the next level.
Dynamic pole tricks are introduced and drilled, like aerial castaways and reverse grab flares, and dancers at this level are beginning to feel comfortable doing aerial inverts to brass monkey, jade splits, and even doing drops!
If all your contact points are ready for action and you feel good upside down and up the pole, you are ready to level up!
This class is recommended for intermediate & advanced pole dancers who are comfortable in inverts, handstands, doing dynamic tricks in a row up the pole, and have a solid foundation of spin pole and how to control movement up and down the pole, as well as on the floor.
Level 3 & 4 is the highest level class we offer at Pole in the Wall at the moment, but that is not to say we won't stop there. Let us know if you are in this pole lab and ready to level up!
We also have several classes that are open to all levels of pole dancers in many different styles.
We recommend you take a variety of the classes we offer, to help make you a more well-rounded athlete and to help you find your own pole dancing style!
Check out the classes we offer and let us know if you have any special requests for class additions for the future, or if you have questions about leveling up!
The Pole in the Wall coaches have developed a system for you to track your pole-gress with suggested tricks for every level:
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